Getting Started

COSMO is intended to installed and it’s monitors run either manually or via cronjob. Use of COSMO outside of the scope of executing the monitors that are defined is not recommended, however, the data models and their API can be used to access the monitoring data for use outside the scope of this project if needed.


Before installing COSMO, be sure to create an environment with python 3.7+ at the minimum. A good starting point would be:

conda create -n cosmo_env python=3.7 stsci

For developers, also including coverage is also recommended (but not mandatory).

After an environment has been prepared, clone the repository:

git clone

Then install using pip:

cd cosmo
pip install .

Settings via a Configuration File

To manage configurations, COSMO uses a yaml configuration file. Create a yaml configuration file with the following format:

# Settings for obtaining data from files
  source: ''  # Path to the source files

# Settings for obtaining data from sms files and setting up the sms database
  source: ''  # This is the path where the sms files exist
  db_settings:  # These are database keyword arguments
    database: ''  # Path to sqlite database file
    pragmas:  # sqlite database connection configurations.
      journal_mode: 'wal'
      foreign_keys: 1
      ignore_check_constraints: 0
      synchronous: 0

output: ''

For more information on sqlite pragma statements, see this.

Once the file is ready, set it as an environment variable, COSMO_CONFIG.

monitorframe also requires a yaml configuration file with the following:

# Monitor data database
    database: ''
      journal_mode: 'wal'
      foreign_keys: 1
      ignore_check_constraints: 0
      synchronous: 0

# Monitor status and results database
    database: ''
      journal_mode: 'wal'
      foreign_keys: 1
      ignore_check_constraints: 0
      synchronous: 0

This configuration file should be set to an environment variable called MONITOR_CONFIG.

You can store these configurations in the same file and have both of the environment variables point to the same file.


Use proper precautions around your configuration file. It may or may not contain sensitive information, so please ensure that permissions on that file are restricted to the intended users. DON’T push it to GitHub!

Running Tests

COSMO includes a suite of tests for the package. For developers, it’s a good idea to execute these tests whenever there are changes to the code or environment.

If you’re in the project directory, you can execute the tests with:

python -m pytest

For executing the tests with coverage (after coverage has been installed), use:

coverage run -m pytest